Tuesday, June 30, 2009

billy mays funeral

Billy Mays funeral arrangements is set on Friday. Funeral arrangements for Billy Mays, the legendary OxiClean pitch man and star of Discovery’s reality show entitled “Pitchmen”, is all set to arrange on Friday, July 3.He will be buried in his Pennsylvania hometown.

St. Mary's Church will hold the funeral mass for Mays at 9:30 a.m.It is not known if this will be open for the public, but according to his wife’s declarations, they may handle things privately.

Two days before, fans from around the country can honor Mays by watching the Discovery Channel marathon of his reality show "Pitchmen" beginning at 11 a.m ET.

The OxiClean and Kaboom pitchman, 50, was found dead by his wife Sunday in their Tampa, Fla. home. A medical examiner says he likely died from a heart attack, though tests results are pending that could confirm that.

Local Pittsburgh CB2 KDKA reports “The Mays family says funeral arrangements are not complete, but they expect to plan a fitting ceremony.” No further details have yet been revealed by the family.

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the bachelorette wes girlfriend

Episode 7 of “The Bachelorette” on June 29, was an affair of many ’surprises’. Ed made a comeback on the show (and Jillian is not complaining). Jake paid Jillian a surprise visit at her hotel, when she is visiting Wes’ hometown in Texas and told her that Wes Hayden has a girl friend whose name is Laura. The news saddened and hurt her considerably going by the fact that Jillian Harris is down to her final four guys and the decision gets tougher each day.

The country singer from Texas Wes Hayden joined The Bachelorette to jump start his music career. Rumors are now swirling that Wes has a girlfriend of three or four years.

Although this is still unconfirmed, I'm not really surprised to learn that Wes has a girlfriend. Besides his questionable intentions towards this seasons' love searcher, Jillian Harris, he seems like the kind of guy who will break your heart.

Wes is 32, after all, and is too old for mainstream singing competitions such as American Idol, though he could still try out for Nashville Star.

Wes' story actually has a "DeAnna Pappas" ring to it. The fourth season of The Bachelorette also featured Graham, a contestant who was rumored to have a girlfriend when he came on the show.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

tyra banks boyfriend

Tyra Banks recently moved production of both of her shows, “The Tyra Banks Show” and “America’s Next Top Model”, to New York, and rumors are flying that the reason for the switch from Los Angeles was so that she could be closer to her boyfriend, John Utendahl,50 years old. Tyra denies the rumors and says she’s insulted by the idea.

Banks’ boyfriend, Utendahl, is based in NY. Utendahl is chairman of Utendahl Capital Management LP, the largest African-American owned investment bank in the US.Founded in 1992, it was the first minority-owned firm that didn’t specialize in municipal bonds. Utendahl earned his stripes working for Merrill Lynch and Salomon Brothers.
Utendahl’s former marriage to Phyllis Hollis ended. Utendahl and Banks started dating in July 2007. Soon after, Banks moved her shows to NY. Banks said she did not relocate to NY because of Utendahl but because of decisions made with her manager.

Meanwhile,they were spotted enjoying romantic dinner at the Pacifico Restaurant in Maui, Hawaii before leaving hand in hand.

The couple has been together for almost two years and have been spotted on numerous occasions in NYC.

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My Latest Lovestory

Hi all.
Gw baru nih join sini(sebenernya udah cukup lama sih,tapi cuman sekedar baca2 tulisan kalian).just wanna tell you guys..         
sekarang gw udah SMA.Gw punya banyak banget temen both the girls and boys.Tapi,gw masih belom bisa ngerasain nikmatnya sekolah tanpa adanya temen kaya sobat gw pas smp dulu.Sosok yang ..yeah,sebenernya dibilang bikin nilai pelajaran gw meningkat,ga banget.Justru,ni anak susah banget belajar.Dulu gw sering banget nawarin buat ngajarin dia materi yang dia ga bisa,tapi dia sendiri ga pernah mau.Malah yang dia sering tanyain apa coba..Sejarah,Bahasa Indonesia,and other yang sebenernya dia bisa pelajarin sendiri..halah,Mathematics,English,Physics kek.Tapi,bukan semua itu yang bikin gw semangat sekolah.Thing I loved the most of him is dia sering ngalah,and jaga sikap kalo lagi bareng gw.Padahal,sejak kelas satu SMP sebenernya nih anak termasuk salah satu perfect enemies gw waktu itu.Karena sebagai ketua kelas,jelas gw ga suka banget ama sikap dia yang always koar2 di kelas ganggu anak laen,kaya mo kampanye caleg aja.Gw pernah berantem ama dia sampe bikin bajunya robek2  gara dia ngomporin gw "coba ketua kelasnya gw,pasti asyik..nah dia(gw),liat tuh..pelo banget!" gw juga pernah lempar kepala dia pake penghapus papan gara2 dia teriak2 mulu pas gw ngomong di depan kelas!We fought again.Tapi  waktu itu gw ngaku salah and minta maaf.Gw bahkan sering mikir,andai anak bego tolol sok cakep kaya dia ga ada di sekolah gw,pasti enak banget!(fortunately,fate  didn't think so..kutukan bodoh gw didn't work!And bisa gw bayangin andai doa gw bener2 terjadi! Tasteless..hidup gw bakal dipenuhin cinta  fuckin' PR,cinta buku,and cinta guru2 doang.)
Time goes by.Gw udah kelas tiga.Di sekolah,gw ga pernah kasih tau dia kalo sebenernya kita tetanggaan,karena gw pikir..kalo gw kasih tau dia,  "oh..elo kos di kosannya bu N,sho what kalo kita tetangga"(NB:gw deket banget ama dia baru pas kelas 3,soalnya pas masih kelas 1 & 2 gw ke sekolah diantar jemput,nah pas kelas 3,dengan alasan biar hemat waktu buat belajar,gw kos..tepat di depan rumah dia.shit! gw bete banget).Tapi akhirnya dia tau juga dari anak2 laen,and gw kaget banget..responnya manis banget, "lo kok ga pernah bilang sih.. ya udah,nanti pulangnya bareng yah!sekalian lo gw kasih tau rumah gue."     Gasp!!Tau2 rasa benci gw selama dua taun ama dia ilang Cuma gara2 "ntar pulang bareng yah!"(secara,sejak pertama ketemu sebenernya muka imut+rada mesumnya udah masuk top ten list gw,tapi berhubung waktu itu dia nyebelin..yeah,benci gw ama dia jauh lebih besar daripada benci gw ama orang yang udah biking gw jadi gay..he fucked me!!).
Makin hari,kita makin deket aja.Sampe2  kalo salah satu dari kita keliatan sendirian,temen2  pada  nanya..sobat lo mana.si Y mana.bahkan,"pacar lo mana",ato "isteri lo mana..lagi ngambek ya!"  Gilaa..berarti kita emang udah dianggap segitu deketnya.Padahal kalo gw ga bareng girlfriend gw,ga pernah ampe ditanyain segitunya!!Yeah..gw ga mungkirin,nonton match volley and basket yang notabene adalah olahraga favorite masing2(dia pemain basket sekolah,N gw pemain volley sekolah)kita selalu dateng and duduk berdampingan(ga pernah jauh2 deh,meskipun tetep aj yang selalu kita omongin biasanya  "eh,menurut lo mana yang paling cakep,yang paling seksi,de el el pas yang maen cewe2.Blah,gw tanggepin aja..dia ga tau kalo sebenernya yang gw pikir paling seksi yah dia sendiri.Shit!!),berangkat sekolah selalu bareng,pulangnya pun selalu.And I'm always missing the time when we said "ntar malem gw yang jemput lo,ato lo ke rumah gw?" tiap kita sampe persimpangan jalan..soalnya kita emang sering banget maen PS di rental pas malem.Bahkan pas malam ujian nasional gw msh sempet2nya seru2an namatin game favorite kita.Selain itu,gw juga sering hunting banyak CD film di rental pas malem minggu!!Sampe sempet gw nginep di rumah dia gara2 pas filmnya abis,jam udah nunjukin pukul 11 malem! Pfiuhhh..ga bias gw bayangin lagi,gw tidur satu ranjang ama dia!! Gilaa.Gw cuman bias tidur kalo ga salah sejam ato kurang waktu itu.Sisanya gw pake buat liatin mukanya sepuas-puas gw.Secara kalo dia ga lagi tidur,gw paling ga bias lama2 liatin mukanya soalnya pasti bawaannya ketawa mulu,and dia juga gitu loh.tiap ngomong sering ketawa2 ngga jelas!
Gw cuman berani ada di rumah dia sampe sekitar jam 3an,soalnya gw ga pamit ma ibu kos nginep di rumahnya,takut kena omelin.So buru2 gw bangunin dia,and bilang kalo gw kudu balik.Sampe di kos(yg sebenernya cuman sekitar  40 meteran dari rumahnya),gw bener2 ga percaya..di message box gw,ada sms dari dia yang isinya ucapan selamat tidur !! WTF! Sampe sekarang pun gw belum hapus tu message.Karena gw tau,biasanya dia cuman miskol2,dan kalopun sms,pasti isinya seputar "nunggu dimana?"  "gw dah di depan kos lo,keluar dong"  "jadi gak,maen PSnya dimana?" bla,bla,bla(yeah,walopun sebenernya apapun message dari dia,gw pasti seneng bacanya..padahal malah kalo yang kirim message and miskol malem2 itu cewe gw,selalu gw cari alasan besok paginya kenapa ga dibales."Heh,what the fuck.. you sent me such shitty message last night,while I was dreaming him" aslinya pengin jujur kaya gitu,hehe).Besoknya,di sekolah dia ama gw cuman bisa ketawa-tawa.kita ga abis2nya bicarain film 'the girl who leapt through time'(ada yang tau?). "Gila,filmnya keren banget!!"dia bilang. "Hmmm!!"gw ga nyangka aja,cowo senakal and sebadung dia bisa2nya bilang film yang sebenernya bisa dibilang cengeng alias girly..bagus,romantic!!kok ga kepikir  yah,buat ngajakin dia nonton Brokeback Mountain,Eternal Summer,ato Shelter(tentunya pura2 belum pernah nonton,dengan alasan "ini nih,kayanya bagus..penasaran gw!!")gw kan bisa liat reaksi dia.at least kalo dia nilai bagus,paling ga gw mikir "dia oke2  aja tuh ama queerness!" so,gw bisa come out walau cuman di depan dia.
Hubungan kita makin hari makin baik.Bahkan suatu hari gw ga sengaja denger omongan kakak cewe dia  ama ibu kos gw.She said "pokoknya buk,saya udah  tenang banget kalo Y(dia) temenan ama X(gw).saya ga pernah khawatir si X ngajakin Y macem2..yah,paling parah cuma maen PS kemaleman pulangnya."     Sampe2 pernah kakak dia nawarin gw buat tinggal bareng  dia aja di rumahnya,sekalian barengin dia,barangkali aja ketularan jadi ga nakal.Gw tau,pasti enak banget tinggal serumah ama orang yang gw sayang..tapi gw ga mau ngerepotin keluarga dia yang,yeah if you know what I mean..bokap nyokapnya udah almarhum,dia tinggal ama kakak cewe and kakak iparnya +dua ponakan cewe yang masih kecil! Sebenernya sih kalo lagi ama gw dia ga pernah tuh,macem2..tapi emang gw perhatiin,pas ga lagi ama gw,dia ngerokok,bahkan minum.Terus pas gw tanyain,dia selalu jawab "siapa yang minum?ngarang lo'' Padahal udah berkali-kali dia dipanggil guru BK gara kasusnya yang macem2.Gw maklumin! Kalo gw ada di kondisi dia,mungkin aja gw jadi kaya dia.Who knows?Yang jelas gw seneng banget dia mau jaga sikapnya kalo lagi ama gw,bahkan dia suka pura2 ga tau masalah video bokep yang gw temuin di HPnya.Dhh..did he think I don't look at porn!?Lebih parah kali..man on man pula!
Kita udah selesai Ujian Nasional.Gw masih inget banget pas dia lemparin kepala gw mulu pake kertas,minta contekan. Bukan cuma dia sih yang minta contekan.Everybody did,too..tapi yang jelas gw ngerasa paling rela kasih jawaban ke dia.Walhasil,pas kita lulus..what a fake score his is.Nilainya jauh banget ama nilai2 try out nya.But gw ikut seneng,soalnya kita udah saling janji bakal daftar di sma yang sama and kos bareng nantinya(kita pilih SMA favorite di kota.That's why,gw rasa gw perlu 'curang' buat bantu dia biar kita bisa terus bareng sampe SMA).Hari yang menegangkan itu dateng juga.. tes penerimaan siswa baru! Kita udah atur strategi sedemikian rupa biar ga ketauan kerjasama pas tes.Tapi,pas it was going on..nothing I can do for him.Gw bener2 bingung..kalo gw kasih contekan,terus ketauan? Kalo gw ga kasih contekan..teruss?Gw ga yakin dia bisa ngerjain soal yang menurut gw aj sulitnya minta ampun.Gw bener,bener,bener bingung..masalahnya kalo dia ga lolos tes,it means we have to be apart!!
Selesai ujian,gw minta maaf banget ama dia..gw bego ga bisa bantu dia!Tapi dia bisa ngerti,and kalopun dia ga keterima di sekolah yang sama ama gw,dia bakal berusaha nerima sekolah di tempat laen.Dia juga janji bakal terus keep in touch ama gw! He thanked me for being a really good riend for him.Baru kali itu gw denger dia bilang kalo gw bener2 teman terbaiknya.Tapi gw bukannya seneng,justru gw sedih banget karena rasanya omongan dia dalem banget,kaya orang mau pisah.Padahal kan belom pengumuman result..tapi kita udah pada salah tingkah!Dan belum tentu juga gw keterima di sekolah yang konon anak2 yang bisa masuk sana cuma anak2 yang..yeah!!
Sehari sebelum pengumuman,kita udah sms mulu.."nanti kalo nomer lo ganti,kasih tau gw yah..awas lo!!"  "gw masih boleh maen2 ke rumah lo kan pas weekend?"  "you are the best my friend!hehe,bener ga tuh bahasa inggrisnya.yang jelas gw bangga am elo bro!"    And bener aja,gw keterima,dia enggak!!Padahal,gw kira gw ga bakal sedih2 amat misalkan ga keterima..karena masih bisa sekolah bareng dia.But the life must go on..
Didn't we always promised each other?that we're going to befriend forever..   Awalnya kita masih sering kasih kabar..enak ga di situ.udah ada cewe yang deketin belom.lo kelas X berapa.bla bla bla!Tapi setelah beberapa bulan,nomernya ga aktif..Gw coba Tanya ama hampir setiap alumnus smp yg gw temuin..tapi ga ada yang bisa kasih tau!!Gw coba dateng ke rumahnya..sialnya dia selalu ga di rumah pas gw datengin(mungkin dia udah balik temenan ama anak yang suka keluyuran..i don't know!).Gw ngerasa bener2  kehilangan someone the first time I really enjoyed my living with.Gw pikir..gw bisa dengan mudah lupain dia kaya gw lupain mantan2 cewe gw,ato cowo2 mantan gebetan gw.Ternyata,nihil!! Gw bahkan sempet mikir buat pindah ke sekolah dia.. tapi,udah lah..gw masih punya mimpi yang kayanya bakal lebih mudah gw capai kalo gw sekolah di tempat gw sekarang.Toh laen waktu gw bisa ke rumah dia lagi!!
Guys! Could he be..gay,too?Or bi at least?Secara kita tau kalo salah satu penyebab gay adalah lingkungan and relationship kan?Gw bingung,gw yakin aja.. dia bahkan mau mainin gitar and nyayiin 'one last breath'nya creed buat gw..soalnya dia tau banget gw suka lagu itu.Dia juga selalu bilang ama gw misalkan dia ga bisa pulang sekolah bareng gw karena something..gw bingung! Apa mungkin dia jadi kaya Ennis Del Mar?Di satu sisi,gw seneng banget kalo dia emang jadi gay gara2 hubungan kita dulu,sehingga gw bisa come out,berusaha lebih deket ama dia and coba serius..tapi di sisi lain gw jg ngerasa salah kalo misalkan dia jadi gay/bi gara2 gw!!
Thanks guys.


your friend wrote..

its hard isnt it?....
being honest to other people....
with gay personality....

rasa kecewa gw yg gede bgt ama bogor, ama Indonesia....
gua bner2 ngalamin ini 2hari yang lalu....

brutally tragic.....
hari rabu, may 13 2009 di bogor....
di PANGRANGO PLAZA "sorry i said a name"
im newbie in bogor actually....
im working on hospitality industry....
while im finishing my scholarship...

i met someone there....
a nice man ofcourse......
he's my friends friend........

bla bla bla bla...
keasikan brcanda d A&W brdua....
gua balik gawe dia jg balik gawe....
till someone came and sit beside our table....

trus tmen gua pergi nyari toilet....
gua sndri....
nih orang senyum2 yg akhirnya ngajakin kenalan....
(dgn maksud baik pastinya)
gua ga tau security dpan lg ngeliatin gerak gerik gua ama tmen2 gua...
yg sampe tiba tiba.....

security MALL br*ngsek itu datengin gua.....
ngajakin ke security office.....
otomatis g nanya ada apa?....
katanya tmen gua kena masalah.......

ceritanya si satpam2 brengsek itu.........
tmen gua kepergok lagi berbuat mesum di kamar mandi.....
gua bingung, mesum ama siapa?.....
brlangsung alot dan lamaaaaaaaaaaa bgt ngejawab pertanyaan gua....
yg akhirnya si satpam nyolot bilangin.....
"temen luw kepergok lagi COLI ditoilet lt 1"

cuma gara- gara coli?..........
gua pun bingung.....

yg ujung2nya security mall nanyain data diri bla bla bla smua....

tiba tiba security nya bilang "LU BERDUA HOMO KAN?"
otomatis gua kaget apalagi temen gua.....

gua ama tmen gua dianiaya serasa maling ato tindakan kriminal apapun itu namanya........
tulang kering kaki gua ditendangin....
habis itu gua disuruh masuk ruangan komandannya........
dipaksa buka smua baju gua ama salah satu satpam yg ngakunya komandan

ini bener2 gua alamin di BOGOR ini....
ga ada rekayasa sama skali....

habis itu, gua disuruh pake clana doang....
gua diborgol ama tmen yg bru gua knal itu.....
cukup lama ampe dua orang polisi dateng....
total orangnya (4satpam, 2 polisi)....
yg gua liat n dnger....
si polisi nelpon ke kantor buat bawain mobil polisi...
yg kedenger ama gua n tmen gua....
yg dr kantor bilangnya.......
"udah, kelarin disitu aja, males ama homo"
HOW DARE YOU????????

suer, gua ampe nangis bombay,....
my life already screwed, then other people come and make another screwed thing,.......

tebakan gua bener........
gua nyolot n ngelawan trus....
krn harga diri gua lg diinjek2......

binatang2 itu minta RP. 3.000.000 MASING MASING
ngancem klo ga dibayarin ampe kamis dpan, laptop gua diambil, stnk motor gua jg, ama DIBEBERIN KE KELUARGA GW TTG INI SMUA....

klo gua lapor polisi.....
jawaban yg gua dnger tadi bener2 ngebuat gua lebih khawatir lg....
ditambah keluarga gua pun bakal tau....
smua orang tau.....
damn it.......


kendra wilkinson wedding

With the wedding set for Saturday, everything's ready for Kendra Wilkinson to marry her NFL player beau Hank Baskett. But how about the bride? She's likely a little uneasy right now, admits her close friend.

There were over 500 guests at the nuptials, with of course Hugh Hefner in attendance, along with her Girls next Door co-stars Holly Madison (who took time off from her Peepshow to attend) and Bridget Marquardt serving as her bridesmaids.

"I think she's probably nervous," bridesmaid Holly Madison said Friday night at Prive Las Vegas while celebrating her Sin City revue PEEPSHOW.

The ceremony is "going to be in the evening, and I think it's going to be really beautiful and touching," Madison said a few hours before boarding a flight to attend the event, to be held at her and Wilkinson's former home, the Playboy Mansion. "I'll probably cry."

Colin Wilkinson, Kendra’s brother, escorted her down the aisle (not Hef as rumored previously), and mother Patty Wilkinson was overcome with emotion as she saw her daughter walk down the aisle.

Reports are surfacing that Kendra’s wedding dress was white and she wore over $100,000 worth of jewelry by Michael Barin, more specifically platinum jewelry - 2.5 carat platinum pendant valued at $33,700, 4.25 carat platinum drop earrings at a whopping $47,000 and a 4.5 carat bracelet at $21,000. Baskett was said to have worn white as well, while bridesmaids were decked out in lavender.

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett became engaged in November 2008, and just a few weeks ago it was announced that Kendra and Hank are expecting, with the little one reportedly due to arrive on Christmas Day.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

michael jackson dead

'King of Pop' Michael Jackson died today at the UCLA Medical Center after he was brought in by paramedics who found him not breathing at his home, according to various reports.

The 50-year-old singer was picked up this afternoon at his rented home in Bel Air around 12:26 p.m. where medics had to administer CPR before transporting him to UCLA hospital.

Ed Winter, the assistant chief coroner for Los Angeles County, confirmed his office had been notified of the death and would handle the investigation.Los Angeles Fire Department Capt. Steve Ruda said earlier that paramedics were called to Jackson's home at 12:26 p.m. They performed CPR and took him to the medical center. He was in a deep coma and was later pronounced dead by doctors.

Earlier, a Jackson family member told TMZ Michael is in "really bad shape." Joseph Jackson, the patriarch of the musical clan, also told media outlets his son was "not doing well."

Michael Jackson's mother and at least some of his brothers were reportedly gathered at UCLA Medical Center awaiting news on Jackson's condition.

Jackson has three children named Prince Michael I, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II, known for his brief public appearance when his father held him over the railing of a hotel balcony, causing widespread criticism.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

jay z and shenelle scott secret son

Rapper Jay-z has been trying to avoid the rumors that he has a secret son. Now a new UK tabloid is bringing the story back into the spotlight to reveal Jay-Z's baby mama is Trinidadian model Shenelle Scott.

Now can reveal that the fiercely private rapper – who’s worth an estimated $400 million – reportedly has a secret 7-year-old son who he’s amazingly managed to hide from the limelight all this time. The boy apparently bears a striking resemblance to his father and is the result of Jay-Z’s romance with Trinidadian model Shenelle Scott which ended in 2001, before he met Beyoncé.The report is unclear about Jay-Z’s official response to their story, stating:

“Although Jay-Z’s spokesman denied that there was any truth in ‘these ridiculous rumours’, the rebuttal falls short of a denial that the rap star is the boy’s father. Despite approaching Jay-Z’s representatives repeatedly last week, they refused to comment.”

Sources say that Shenelle and her son live a quiet life in Trinidad at a $2.5 million home that Jay-Z bought for them after paternity tests revealed a positive match. It’s also thought that Shenelle, 28, brings her son to see Jay-Z in New York, where he’s based, whenever she flies there for modelling assignments.

This isn’t the first time Jay-Z has tried to keep his personal life out of the public eye. Even though he and Beyoncé have been together since September 2002, they kept the relationship under wraps for many months – and it wasn’t until six months after they married last year that they officially confirmed they were man and wife.

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perez hilton getting punched

A reader on Canadian gossip site managed to snap a photo of Perez Hilton taking a fist in the mouth Sunday night in Toronto. Almost equally as amusing is Lady Gaga off to the side while the crowd stands there and smiles.

The photo show the moment celebrity blogger Perez Hilton was punched outside the Cobra nightclub on King St. W. early Monday.

The blog drinktheglitter.com, which bills itself as "Canada's #1 place to get wasted and gossip" posted the reader-supplied photo late Monday night with the caption: "Check out this epic shot of Perez Hilton and Lady Gaga right in the middle of the tuffle after the MuchMusic Video Awards afterparty in Toronto, Ontario this weekend!"

It adds: "Is that Perez actually getting punched in the photo?!!! Thanks T!"

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Faces Lawsuit

A self-published author in Cape Cod has sued Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a co-host of ABC’s “The View,” for copyright infringement, accusing her of plagiarizing substantial portions of her book “Living With Celiac Disease.”
According to a lawsuit filed Monday in United States District Court in Massachusetts, Ms. Hasselbeck, whose diet book “The G-Free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide,” was published by the Center Street imprint of the Hachette Book Group in May, copied “significant portions” of various lists from “Living with Celiac Disease” by Susan Hassett.

The plaintiff, Susan Hassett, says she sent a copy of her own book Living with Celiac Disease to Hasselbeck last year. And now this year Hasselbeck comes out with her own book (written with Peter Green) on the topic, and there seems to be a lot of similarities, including chapter titles and certain phrasing of words.

AP reports that Susan Hassett is claiming in a federal lawsuit filed in Boston that the celebrity infringed on Hassett’s copyrights by publishing a book on celiac disease, titled “The G-Free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide,” last month.

In a statement, a Hachette spokeswoman and an attorney for Ms. Hasselbeck said: “Neither Center Street nor Elisabeth Hasselbeck has been served with the Complaint in this action. However, there is no basis for the allegations in the Complaint as published in the press. Ms. Hasselbeck worked diligently and tirelessly on her book and is disappointed in this attempt to discredit her work and her ability to bring this important message to the public.”

Hasselbeck only recently discovered she suffers from celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder linked to gluten proteins found in wheat, barley and rye.

A little over a year later, Hassett says Hasselbeck published "The G Free Diet-A Gluten Free Survival Guide."

Their names are so similar, maybe Elisabeth thought she actually wrote that book?

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john and kate plus 8 announcement

In Monday's "big announcement" episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8, the couple says, "we're separating."

In a much-promoted episode of the hit series Monday night, Jon and Kate Gosselin, the parents of eight children, announced in separate interviews they were separating; seconds later, text appeared on a black screen to add that the couple had decided to "legally dissolve" their 10-year marriage. The children will stay in the house, the couple said, and Jon and Kate will switch off living there.

Kate Gosselin says that Jon has a lot of anger toward her. She says Jon won't talk to her, and she doesn't know if he realizes the repercussions of the decisions he's making today.

In a separate interview, Jon Gosselin admits that he and Kate have not been communicating very well. He says some things are going on, but, "we're there for our kids."

And the show, apparently, will go on. TLC executives declined to comment Monday, but the Gosselins had committed to a full season of 40 episodes and indicated they would continue allowing camera crews access to film the family's life, just not with Mom and Dad there together.

Before the recent strife, they were just a couple trying to manage a set of twins and rambunctious sextuplets. The combination of his cool and calm demeanor and her sometimes controlling and overly organized personality were first seen on the one-hour special "Surviving Sextuplets and Twins" on Discovery Health in 2006. Its success eventually led to the TLC series. It centered mostly on the couple's home life in Pennsylvania and the idiosyncrasies involved with raising a gaggle of children.

Both Jon and Kate have been plagued by rumors of infidelity in recent weeks -- he with a 23-year-old teacher and she with her bodyguard. Added to the turmoil was an investigation by the Pennsylvania Labor Department into the show's possible violation of child labor laws, an allegation TLC has denied.

People.com reported Monday that Jon and Kate Gosselin have filed for a divorce.The report claims papers were filed around 5 p.m. at the Bucks County Courtroom in Pennsylvania.
Reports claim Jon is moving to New York.

The season premiere drew 9.8 million viewers, more than twice as many as had watched the fourth-season finale. But ratings for subsequent episodes have cooled, with last week's installment attracting only 2.9 million viewers.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

kate gosselin slap her daughter

Kate Gosselin was caught when she was Spanking her daughter Leah. She have to face a lot of question for this reason.Featured on the cover of the next issue of In Touch Weekly, one paparazzi photo looks like Kate takes a swat at Leah's bottom, and another shows Leah shielding her rear end with her hands and screaming while Kate grabs her arm.

If you see the video and photos, it will clear to you that Kate Gosselin has gone out of control. According to Right Celebrity, Kate Gosselin Spanks Leah, is the latest tabloid headline to haunt the reality tv mom. Kate was snapped by paparazzi spanking her daughter Leah, and now the photos are being used as a promo for the next Inside Edition and Kate can find herself on the cover of the next In Touch Weekly

Now of course, thousands of people are starting to criticize the way she raises her children, and the images are being used to generate a lot of controversy. Reportedly Leah didn’t let her mom speak through her phone in peace, so Kate asked her to stop, but since she persisted, Kate gave her a little spank.
According to another report, a witness told the girl was screaming and crying. Kate just pushed her away and walked off with her coffee. Her older sisters were trying to make Leah feel better.

Kate has since released a public statement, standing firm behind her choice of discipline.

“Whether the paparazzi are there or not, I am a mother first. I love my children and when they misbehave, I discipline them as I deem appropriate for the situation.”

Was Kate in the wrong, or did she handle the situation ideally? Should she have at least’s considered her public image and the photographers who were snapping pictures of the incident?

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robert pattinson hit by cab

Robert Pattinson is quickly learning the hazards of filming a movie in New York City - he was hit by a taxi cab on Thursday while running away from hysterical fans.

Radar is reporting a first-hand account of a taxi cab grazing Robert Pattinson on the streets of New York as he was being pursued by crazed fans.Some of the teen girls were hysterical and Robert rushed across the road. As he did so, a taxi grazed him. The cabbie slammed on his brakes as soon as he realized what had happened.

He was not hurt.It appeared as if the cab hit Rob in the hip. He stood there for a moment looking stunned. The bodyguard next to him checked if he was okay and then screamed and the fans: “You see what you did, you almost killed him!”

EOnline reports that Summit says:

“Robert Pattinson is fine. The reports are exaggerated, and the accident was not caused by fans. Production continues.”

The Summit rep refused to say what did cause the cabbie accident, or whether or not additional precautions were being taken for Pattinson.

The 23-year-old London-born actor had been inside most of the morning filming scenes for his new movie Remember Me.

Pattinson will be shooting around Manhattan for the next four weeks.

His co-star in the film is gorgeous Lost TV actress Emilie de Ravin, who he has been seen hanging out with in the evenings.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

robin hibbard pregnant

Robin Hibbard, who became famous for her plastic surgery ,sexy photoshoots and her participation in MTV reality television show “The Real World San Diego” is currently pregnant.

The 29 year old model/TV personality from Tampa Florida will give birth in June to a baby boy.

A basis end to Robin determind that the kid was imagines sometime before the most latest Real World/Road system confronts filmed in New Zealand

No one knows who the father is,but sources close to Robin Hibbard say it is not another cast member of Real World.

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billy joel divorce

It looks like the piano man is done playing duets.

Billy Joel and his wife Katie Lee Joel have separated after five years of marriage, according to a statement released from both of their reps.

“After nearly five years of marriage Billy Joel & Katie Lee Joel have decided to separate. This decision is a result of much thoughtful consideration. Billy & Katie remain caring friends with admiration and respect for each other,” a joint statement reads.

While the NY Daily News reported that Katie Lee was recently spotted getting close to fashion designer Yigal Azrouel, a source close to the couple says that the breakup had nothing to do with cheating.

Rumors have been swirling about Joel and Lee's marriage for months, especially after speculation that Lee had been romantically linked to fashion designer Yigal Azrouel, who had been escorting her to numerous events while Joel was on tour.

Joel and Lee married in October 2004, at Joel's Centre Island estate, less than two years after they first met in the bar of the Peninsula Hotel. It was the first marriage for Lee and the third for Joel, who was married to his business manager Elizabeth Weber from 1973 to 1982 and supermodel Christie Brinkley from 1985 to 1994.

Katie Lee, 27, was the host of "Top Chef" for its 2006 season.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

lala's new haircut

Lala Vasquez posted this photo of her new do via Twitter over the weekend!

The VH1, MTV personality, actress and former radio DJ debuted her new haircut via Twitter.

She wrote:

Cassie started the “MOVEMENT” i did the “LA LA REMIX”..lol..who will be next..? feels good to let go!!

La La’s new haircut in which she calls a remix, is somewhat similar to singer Cassie of Bad Boy Records who shaved a portion of her hair off on the side which was revealed sometime in April.

Even though La La didn’t get as drastic, the celebrity star decided to add her own little touch to it.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

letterman apologizes

Just when you thought Sarah Palin is gone, she’s back in the news.

The Alaskan governor is back in the news as she responds to David Letterman’s jokes he made about her and her 18-year old daughter, Bristol, during a recent episode of “The Late Show.”

On Wednesday night, Letterman gave an apology to Pallin and Bristol. He even went as far as inviting them over to his show.

Mr. Letterman opened the desk portion of his show with the apology in which he said he wanted to say he was sorry to “to the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke.”

“The Palins have no intention of providing a rating’s boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show,” said a spokesperson from the Palin to Fox News. “Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.”

One of the jokes Governor Palin is furious over is Letterman describing Palin’s dress as her “slutty flight attendant look” in his Top Ten List. Earlier, he joked about her daughter Bristol, saying she was “knocked up” by Alex Rodriguez during the seventh inning of the Yankees game. Palin the younger was in New York for an autism awareness event.

Last week Mr. Letterman somewhat defiantly said that there was a misperception going on and he would never make a sexually charged joke about a 14-year old. But he never expressly explained that he had inadvertently confused the two Palin daughters.

During his apology, Letterman made it very clear that “I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl. I don’t think it’s funny. I would never think it was funny.”

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bruce willis w magazine

Bruce Willis has a new outlook on love and life now that he is married to actress Emma Heming.

The couple show us their dark side in a freaky photo shoot for W Magazine.

Bruce Willis goes shirtless and poses with his wife, Emma Heming, in the racy July 2009 cover shoot of W Magazine, on stands June 23rd.

Emma is topless in a couple of photos and Bruce is seen in nothing but black undies and red leather gloves in nearly all the photos.

The two also talk about their relationship and marriage.“I went from ‘F—- love’ to ‘Love is truly the answer. I spent the last 10 years single and, for the most part, unhappy. In a dark place. I never thought that being with someone else was the answer. I would say, ‘I’m alone, but I’m not lonely.’ But I was just kidding myself. Then I started hanging around Emma, and on a day-to-day basis my life became much happier.”

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Al Roker Attacks Speidi on the Today Show

It’s tough to spend two whole days in a controlled environment in the Costa Rican jungle and then quit multiple times before finally giving up for good. Who cares if their selected charities lost out on much-needed donations — Heidi was bullied! Her co-stars took the labels off her dry shampoo! Oh, the humanity.

Heidi and Spencer Pratt from I’m a Celebrity Get Me out of Here appeared on the Today Show with Al Roker.

This morning they were asked the tough questions that nobody else seems to be asking — mainly, “Are you proud of the way you guys behaved?” and “You say ‘villain,’ some people say ‘jerk’ … and this is something you want to continue?” This vicious encounter made Heidi cry because she “felt personally attacked.” Poor, poor Heidi.

Spencer defended himself again, but clearly he was irritated by the lack of respect Roker showed them.
Heidi went from that interview to calling in to Ryan Seacrest’s radio show, telling him, “To be honest, I would never be interviewed by that man again and I really would advise women especially to be careful around him because I feel like he definitely came and attacked me and I did not appreciate that at all.”

She must have been expecting an interview like the one that took place later over at The View, which included Barbara Walters’s observation that “You two are adorable” and Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s obvious attempts to stick up for her fellow hypocritical “Christians.”

Al Roker was more intimidating than those five squawky hens over at the same talk show that terrified former presidential candidate John McCain to the point that he refused to return. What does that say about our real hard-hitting journalists that a morning show weather man was the only one who refused to cater to the idiocy of Speidi, America’s biggest shame?

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heidi montag posed for playboy

After months of rumors surrounding a possible Playboy pictorial featuring “Hills” star Heidi Montag, the official word has finally come according to People magazine, and Heidi will appear in the September issue. There will be nudity notes People; however it will be tastefully done. Upon being contacted by MTV News, representatives for Heidi had no official statement.

The reality star was most recently stirring up drama on I'm a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here, shot in Costa Rica, where she was briefly hospitalized. In April, she married her Hills costar Spencer Pratt. It will definitely give her the opportunity to make use of her enhanced assets, as Heidi admitted in 2007 she got a breast implants which changed her cup size form a 32A to a 32C.

Posing for Playboy might possibly help Heidi pull her ranking on Maxim’s Hot 100 List back up from the #81 she ranked this year, dropping from #36 in 2008.

Details of her Playboy photos are, um, scant: "There is nudity. It's tasteful – she had a lot of fun with it," says a second source. A rep for the magazine had no comment, and Montag's rep was not immediately available to respond to questions.

There was speculation about her possibly posing, Heidi kept it under wraps, giving no official statements on the subject. Look for her upcoming pictorial in the September issue of Playboy.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

megan fox leaked photos

Megan Fox become a sex symbol seconds after she opened the bonnet of the old, yellow, American car that was overheating in the movie Transformers. This bonnet-opening scene has since become a classic and permanently featured in the dreams of those fabled creatures called decent men.

Hollywood actress Megan Fox has decided not to sue the person who leaked her topless shots to the tabloids. She believes that karma will do the job for her. She says “It’s her Karma to deal with not mine”.The ‘Transformers’ star was stunned to see her topless photos from her upcoming film Jennifer''s Body online - and immediately considered taking legal action.

“I had booby stickers on. They make these silicone stickers that go on over your nipple,” Contactmusic quoted Fox as telling Entertainment Weekly.

“If I’d been actually topless, I would have sued someone… I know who, and I never did anything about it. It’s her karma to deal with, not mine,” she added.

To see more picture,click here

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demi moore bush picture

Demi Moore Bush pictures are back in the news last two days. A Demi Moore Bush picture might make one believe at first that Demi Moore met with President Bush somehow. But there is a cruder meaning to a Demi Moore Bush picture, of course.

Apparently Daniel Tosh of Comedy Central posted a video on a popular video sharing site asking people to search for “Demi Moore Bush”, actually “Demi Moore George Bush picture”, but leave out the George.

When searching for this term, the first result that comes up is a webpage called "Downtown Alleys" with an article called "Demi Moore has a huge bush" The picture was posted in 2005, and is a picture of Demi Moore from the 1980's, with one breast exposed, as well as full frontal exposure as well.

Demi Moore is no stranger to nudity or having fans see her nude, since she seemed to get naked at some point for half her films while she was a big star in the 90's. But it wasn't usually to this extent, and didn't reveal quite so much as what this picture from the 80's did.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

paris hilton and cristiano ronaldo

Gosh, it seems like just last week that Paris Hilton and boyfriend Doug Reinhardt of "The Hills" were dry humping and tongue wrestling on the red carpets all over Cannes and Hollywood.

There were even rumors of marriage!

Now it’s over. Above is one of the last photos of them taken together, and it doesn't take a psychic to guess that the bloom was definitely off this budding relationship.

Less than 24 hours after breaking up with Reinhardt, Paris Hilton is already rumored to be playing tonsil hockey with soccer stud Cristiano Ronaldo.

Paris, who was certainly dressed to attract attention in black satin, a headband and knee socks, was out with her sister, Nicky — in snarling leopard print — when the girls ran into the Real Madrid star at My House nightclub in Hollywood.

Paris Hilton was photographed making out with soccer stud Cristiano Ronaldo on Wednesday night, June 10, the same day she had her representative publicly announcing her separation from baseball player boyfriend Doug Reinhardt. It is not known if Paris and Cristiano are dating, but they were seen getting up close and personal at swanky L.A. nightclub MyHouse.

Paris and Cristiano actually started off their night separately. The celebrity socialite was seen hitting Nobu West Hollywood with her sister Nicky Hilton for some sushi, whereas Cristiano kicked off his night dining at the Brazilian restaurant Fogo De Chao.

Paris and Nicky reportedly left the eatery at around 11:20 P.M. and then headed to club MyHouse, where Cristiano was also hanging out. There, the threesome sat together at a table. And sources inside the club claim that Cristiano and Paris were getting cozy and kissing the entire night.

Later that night, Paris and Cristiano left the hot spot separately, but reunited at Nicky's West Hollywood house. He was caught on camera leaving the building at 5 A.M.

"In response to the inquiry on whether Paris Hilton has split up with Doug Reinhardt, yes, this is true, they are no longer together. They remain friends and ask that you please respect their privacy," a rep for Hilton told People.

Hilton, 28, and Reinhardt, 24, had been together for six whole months. People says Reinhardt's rep had no comment.

Nivea Hamilton & Laura London Pregnant By Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne looks set to have two new sons by different women this year- if reports are to be believed.

Nivea Hamilton, also called Nivea, is allegedly pregnant with rapper Lil Wayne’s baby.

According to new reports, the rapper will be fathering two new sons by different women this year!

Not only is Lauran London rumored to be pregnant with Lil Wayne’s child, but so is singer Nivea Hamilton. According to photographer and industry insider, FreddyO, singer Nivea is pregnant with rapper Lil Wayne’s baby.

Reports say he and Lauren London are no longer in a relationship together but plan to raise their baby together.

Freddy says, “I would like to be the first to send my congratulations to [Nivea] and her baby daddy soon-to- be husband Wayne. The two are said to be marrying within the next few months. Hummmm I wonder about that. Wayne will also be having a child with the one and only Ms. Lauren London who is also pregnant by him.”

If this is the case, Lil Wayne is going to be one busy papa!

Wayne is rumored to be marrying Nivea in the next few months but plans to participate in raising the baby with Lauren as well.

Nivea Hamilton was previously married to producer and solo star The-Dream.

Currently, Lil Wayne has two other children, daughter Reginae, 10, and 6-mos son Dwayne Carter III. Nivea is the ex-wife of singer/producer The Dream and has three children with him.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

miss california fired

The website TMZ is reporting that Carrie Prejean, aka Miss California, the beauty queen who survived a scandal over semi-naked photos and her controversial stand on same-sex marriage, will be fired Wednesday afternoon.

Pageant officials said Wednesday that the 22-year-old model was fired because of continued breach of contract issues— specifically for lending her famous face to other organizations without getting clearance from her handlers.

Shanna Moakler, who was the director of the California pageant, resigned in protes

Prejeanpress Miss USA pageant owner Donald Trump was involved in the decision to fire Prejean, [spokesman Roger] Neal said. Runner-up Tami Farrell, who was Miss Malibu, will immediately assume the Miss California USA title, he said.

Said pageant Executive Director Keith Lewis: "This was a decision based solely on contract violations, including Ms. Prejean's unwillingness to make appearances on behalf of the Miss California USA organization. After our press conference in New York, we had hoped we would be able to forge a better working relationship. However, since that time, it has become abundantly clear that Carrie is unwilling to fulfill her obligations under our contract and work together."
Prejean made headlines last month after several topless photos from her young modeling days hit the web.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

roger federer attacked

During today's French Open - at which rockstar tennis player Roger Federer beat Robin Soderling to match Pete Sampras legendary record of 14 Grand Slam titles - Federer was assaulted by a deranged, hat-obsessed fan.

During the second set,Roger Federer was attacked by a fan during the French Open 2009 Final. A man waving the flag of Barcelona and dressed in the same colors of the country's flag ran onto the court in between points.

The fan got all the way to Federer and tried to get him to wear a Barcelona hat, actually putting his hands on Federer's head. The fan was close to Federer for about 5 seconds before he ran from security and eventually got tackled and carried off. Scary how easily this fan was able to reach Federer and how long it took security to react.

Federer's fine, by the way. As you can see, they tackled the guy and probably messed up his face. Fans running onto courts during sporting events: not cool, even if they are well-intentioned, be it for charity, fan advocacy, nationalism, or fashion advocacy. Also, we don't think the Red Hat Ladies would approve. Shame.

Federer beat Robin Soderling 6-1 7-6 (7-1) 6-4 to complete his set of Grand Slam titles and equal Pete Sampras’s record total of 14.

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Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut? Really?

"Why Health Advice on 'Oprah' Could Make You Sick", when I read this headline, I almost jumped out of my chair, I've been saying that for the longest time! The hocus-pocus she endorses on her show, drive me crazy. What's the difference between "Harness Positive Energy!", and "Crossing Over with John Edwards"? They're both complete dreck, and feed on other peoples misfortunes, and/or insecurities. I'm glad to see that a big name media source like Newsweek, has the stones to attack Oprah Almighty. Having said that, there are plenty other so-called main-stream media types who are no better, Larry King for instance, has for years now had on his show any quack, or UFO proponent, he could get his hands on. Or the very fact that "A Haunting" is on the Discovery Channel, of all channels(!), is an out rage. (I'll stop preaching now.)

Which brings me to my next point, how is "Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut", any less psycho-babble, than "The Secret"? How about asking a Rebbe for a Brachah, or Kvitlach, or basing the compatibility of a couple, on their names? Is that any less laughable than tarot cards, ouija boards, witch doctors, or fortune tellers? Of course they're all preposterous, but if that's what you where raised to believe in, then it's perfectly rational.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

halle berry and jamie fox kissing

Looks like HALLE BERRY had quite the busy weekend. After taking her new/old haircut out for a spin to Spike TV’s ‘Guys Choice Awards,’ the stunning beauty accepted her award by planting a full-tongue friendly wet-one on presenter JAMIE FOXX.Now Halle and Jamie have been friends for years and though the kiss was over-the-top.The “Ray” star and Halle Berry shocked many by tongue-wrestling during a moment that was as confusing as it was steamy.

Foxx presented Berry with an award (really, does it matter what it was for when you look at that pic?) and the “Catwoman” vixen was really appreciative. Recalling the time exuberant Adrien Brody won Best Actor at the Academy Awards and planted one on Berry, this time she

was the one who puckered up, laying a dazzling kiss on Foxx that left the comedian, ahem, grabbing for more of Berry. She seemed to have a handful herself during the lip-lock.

I can’t count the number of times over the past year I’ve seen pictures of Halle Berry and asked where her baby daddy was? Their couple/family shots are spotty at best. I wondered if they were still together.

At press time, there was no word on whether the two dated in the past, whether the smooch was planned or whether Berry (who is currently in a relationship with model Gabriel Aubry, the father of her child) just wanted to make good TV.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

kate gosselin bikini

Everyone is fascinated by the lives of reality TV show stars Kate and Jon Gosselin and their eight super-cute kids it seems these days.

But when they're not under the glare of the cameras for their TLC series, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Kate likes to do normal things with her children, like building sand castles on the beach.

Kate Gosselin and her children escaped to the beach on Bald Head Island, N.C. for a little getaway, but the reality star wasn't exactly escaping from the cameras!

Showing off her body in an orange bikini, the reality star and her eight kids stayed in a beachfront house and played at the Bald Head Island Club pool. The family (sans Jon Gosselin) also enjoyed dinner at Ebb and Flow restaurant during their retreat.

While her husband Jon was absent, further adding to what family says is a major rift between the happy television couple, Gosselin carted her kids around in golf carts and enjoyed time by the pool.

According to local resident Brittani Reynolds, the Gosselin family was far from incognito during the getaway. Sporting big sunglasses, Kate "looked like a movie star," Reynolds told. "She had a manicure and looked like she takes care of herself." Added Reynolds: "She actually seemed to be in a good mood; she was making jokes with everyone."

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