But I gotta say, I've been slacking a bit.
I am getting impatient and I really want to switch from savings mode to acquisition mode. :)
This will all probably sound bratty and selfish and ungrateful, but just to get this out of my system, I want to write down everything I have been wanting lately. And I want to preface it all with this: I know I am phenomenally blessed and if nothing changes in my life for the rest of forever, I would be a heckuva happy girl.
New carpet
Wooden blinds
New headboard for my room that doesn't cover the window
Car repairs - my front signals don't work and my right side mirror doesn't work
New counter tops (Formica would be fine)
New pots and pans
New flatware
New table
Patio furniture
Drawer organizers
Jewelry organizers
Repaint and redecorate probably about 50% of my house
And a remodel of the master bedroom, the downstairs bedroom, and well...maybe I should just get a new house. :)
I wonder if it's the fact that I am home all day in my house now that so much about it is driving me crazy?
Back in March, we got a new fridge. Oh man how I hated my old fridge and it finally gave out so I had no choice but to get a new one. Justin also got a small inheritance that worked out to be just the amount we needed for a fridge. And I love it.
It barely, barely fit. There isn't a centimeter of wiggle room on either side of the fridge and Justin and my brother had to remove and raise the above-the-fridge cabinet.
Now if only my carpet would go out so I would be forced to replace it. Hehehe.
And the whole time I've been thinking about this post, I've had the Mary Chapin Carpenter song "Passionate Kisses" going through my head: Shouldn't I have it? Shouldn't I have it? Shouldn't I have all of this and passionate kisses from you?
What's on your wish list?
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