Thursday, July 12, 2012


As the Los Angeles Times and other outlets reported,Pedro Cruz Trujillo, who was the junior varsity baseball coach at Granada Hills (Calif.) High, took six students, aged 14 to 16, to a Dodgers game on May 18, a seemingly harmless act ... until he decided to smoke marijuana with the students going to and from the event. Needless to say, Trujillo's poor decision came back to bite him when a school staff member overheard students talking about the incident.

The 24-year-old coach was reported to Los Angeles Police Department officials who worked with officials at Granada Hills to confirm the story. While Trujillo was taken off his post on campus back in May when the incident in question was brought to the district's attention, following his arrest Monday, the LAUSD has issued a statement indicating he has now been "fired from both of his positions with the District."

Following his arrest, Trujillo was charged with six counts of child endangerment and is being held on $100,000 bail. There are additional charges, that are still pending, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Needless to say, the coach's decision to have some fun with a handful of students backfired in a big way. Of course, Trujillo isn't the first coach in recent months to make a poor decision that could end with time served in prison. Just last month, Hermantown (Minn.) High assistant golf coach Kyle Ernst was arrested for hosting a beer party after team's one-stroke title loss.

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