Monday, July 9, 2012

My Hiney May Be Getting Tighter

I have been in denial about my changing body for a long time. But the truth is, I am 30, and there is no more denying the truth. The number on the scale has crept up little by little over the years. Initially, I hated these changes, but I slowly got used to them. Hey, I had the body of a woman. It's not natural to look like I did at 17. I have curves and volume and a lot more confidence. I dress modestly and really didn't see a reason to fight to have a Hollywood bikini body. And really, my weight is still healthy. Why kill myself?

Still, I didn't accept it without a fight. I try to eat healthier. I've signed up for the gym a couple times. I trained for a 5k and ran it. But I couldn't keep up with any exercise routine long-term. I didn't even get the point where I could see results. Other than being able to run (ahem...slowly jog) five kilometers without walking - that was an improvement.

So I just learned to accept things. I tried to focus on being healthy; not just skinny. When I got on Pinterest, I vowed I would never pin all the fitness tips or fitness "inspiration" photos that honestly serve to depress and torture most women. I was content with my shape.

Until...things got saggy. And new textures appeared that I didn't like.

I wanted to try to tighten things up. Not to drop a size or to show off. Just to be healthier and take control of my aging process.

I've tried a few things. Nothing stuck. It was time to try something new and make. it. stick.

So I found a brief and easy exercise routine on Pinterest. Something that looked like I could commit to. Fro the record, I hate to sweat and I hate exertion. I hate cardio. I would rather lift weights all day. So I had to find something I could and would do. I found this "routine" and I started doing it last week. 

30 Jumping Jacks

5 Pushups 

25 High Knees

7 Burpees

10 Crunches 

7 Squats

5 Pushups

10 Crunches 

5 Pushups

7 Squats

30 Jumping Jacks

1 Minute Wall Sit

5 Pushups

25 High Knees

I looked at the calendar and realize that I had started it on July 1. Perfect! I made a commitment to myself to do this routine at least twice a day for the entire month of July. I didn't know whether or not I would see results, but my goal was more about perseverance than results. The results will come, but only with dedication. I needed to develop the dedication. So after talking to my husband, we decided that I can "reward" myself with an unnecessary purchase if I do my exercises twice a day for a month.

And if I do, I get to buy a new set of pots and pans to replace the set I got for my wedding and have hated for eleven years. They do not need to be replaced. They are fully functional. But, man, I hate them. My eye is on this lovely Paula Deen set.

So, today is July 9. I have been doing the routine for 9 days. I hadn't even looked into the mirror until today. And guess what? Perhaps it is wishful thinking, but I do think my stomach is a little less muffin-toppy and my rump seems to be a little less saggy. Woohoo!!!

I have miles to go, but I am happy that I have persevered for 9 days (big accomplishment for me!). And I am looking forward to my new pots and pans.

Do you exercise? What motivates you? Do you feel you have a  healthy body image?

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